Demo here
This is a car configurator concept I made with three.js, I hope you like it 
- 1:1 animations on scroll
- Change colors/details
- Export screenshots in high quality
- Dynamic elements
You can also visit a virtual room create on DUNA with the car model in it:
If you want to support, you can leave a like on Behance 
It looks nice!
What I like most – the fine details, like the water drops on the surface.
What shocked me most – the contrast between the quality of the car and the cheap pine-shaped air freshener.
We used this amazing model by the great Karol Miklas
15 miles per gallon also on this old thing 
Small update, we added smooth scrolling for a better experience
thanks for sharing. You setup point for each circle white? when you click circle white, you get point and use tween zoom in it?
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It’s a custom component made in Angular, but basically, it’s a Raycaster checking collision on an invisible sphere slightly bigger than the visible one.
This is the basic code
const intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObject(this.touchSphere).length > 0;
this.isHovering = intersects;
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Hi @Niccolo_Fanton can you please give some idea how to optimize this 3d webapps. if you have any article that your have written or any docs about that would help me a lot I im building a configurator thanks in advance, also I would like to know how the state changes can be handled in react for threejs i use ‘React 3d fiber’
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Looks really neat! Congratulation. I wanna ask, when moving the camera to the lamp, did u do it dynamically?