ASLS Studio, open source DMX lighting engine and visualizer

ASLS Studio is an open-source, web-based, DMX lighting control software and visualizer. It comes with standard DMX lighting control software features such as Universe patching, Fixture grouping, Scene generation, Effect engines and uses THREE.js in order to create and visualize lightshows in a 3D environment.

As an open source project, ASLS Studio’s source is freely available over github.

A demo is available over for anyone to play around with. You may refer to the user manual for instructions regarding how to use it!



I hope it would be useful for DMX lighting designers. What if there is VR mode, so that the designer can dive into the scene and experience the lighting effects as if being there?

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Hi Pavel, thanks for the suggestion!

I would be glad to see it used by lighting designers during live performances, the software streams live universe DMX data through WebRTC data channels which can be interpreted to ArtNET DMX by running an instance of ASLS Server in the background.

Diving into the scene in VR actually seems like a very cool feature! I haven’t got a lot of experience with VR but I’ll add that to my todo list of features to experiment with for sure!

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