I’m new to ThreeJS (thank you for the awesome work! ) and my interest if for WEB VR content.
I’m starting to play with TSL and WebGPU but it seems WebXRManager is not set for WebGPURenderer.
Is it possible ? planned ?
I’m new to ThreeJS (thank you for the awesome work! ) and my interest if for WEB VR content.
I’m starting to play with TSL and WebGPU but it seems WebXRManager is not set for WebGPURenderer.
Is it possible ? planned ?
It is not possible to use WebXR with WebGPURenderer
, yet. There is an issue at GitHub that tracks this task:
AFAIK there is still no general WebXR support for WebGPU so all what we could do is adding support for the WebGL 2 backend.
Thank you for your answers.
I saw the recent updates and I will keep an eye on the issue.
Just to be sure : TSL is supported only by WebGPU (with WebGL 2 fallback if needed).
After trying some code, I took a look at src/Three.WebGPU.js and src/Three.js.
There is no way to reuse the TSL code I wrote with WebGLRenderer (for WebXR in the mean time) ?
Correct, the node material and TSL only work with WebGPURenderer