WebGL shaders produce no errors but don't work?

I saw Web with growing list of WebGL shader examples and wanted to implement https://webgl-shaders.com/badtv-example.html.

I installed all the npm packages, copied code verbatim, there are no errors and yet no effect what so ever. I detail the problem here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58036932/three-js-effects-composer-not-working-with-no-errors

But you can also just download the linked repo. What is happening here? Only difference with my project is Im in nodeJS/

Added a live example at stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58039129/5250847

If this code does not answer your question, please ensure to demonstrate the problem by modifying the live example or by sharing a github repo with your code.

Thanks for that - Ive put my entire project here https://bitbucket.org/skyyguy1999/deadends/src/master/ I’ve copied the fiddle verbatim, the only thing that is different (because I am in node) is writing THREE.ShaderPass or THREE.Effectcomposer instead of just new EffectComposer. Is this a problem?
(to run it follow the directions - cd into directory and npm install, npm run start)

Um, it seems the link to bitbucket requires a login. Can you configure the repository as a public one?

Sorry about that - it should be public now. https://bitbucket.org/skyyguy1999/deadends/src/master/

Repost the fiddle here since the answer was deleted at stackoverflow:
