Hello, I need help with the following: I need to make the RGB effect work on all images; that is, it should process each one and apply the same effect to all. I’ve tried several approaches, but I can’t get it to work, or for some reason, everything gets “messed up” and goes from bad to worse. I would greatly appreciate your help!
Here is the code:
import * as THREE from "three"
import { EffectComposer } from "three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/EffectComposer.js";
import { RenderPass } from "three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/RenderPass.js";
import { ShaderPass } from "three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/ShaderPass.js";
const $img = document.getElementById("texture")
const $image = document.createElement("img")
let camera, scene, renderer, composer, renderPass, customPass
let geometry, material, mesh, texture, uMouse = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0)
const uploadImage = ($image.onload = () => {
$img.style.opacity = 0
texture = new THREE.Texture($image)
texture.needsUpdate = true
const toggleAnimations = () => {
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 10)
camera.position.z = 1
scene = new THREE.Scene()
geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(0.80, 0.5)
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true })
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
composer = new EffectComposer(renderer)
renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera)
const shaderEffect = {
uniforms: {
tDiffuse: { value: null },
resolution: {
value: new THREE.Vector2(1, window.innerHeight / window.innerWidth),
uMouse: { value: new THREE.Vector2(-10, -10) },
`varying vec2 vUv;void main() {vUv = uv;gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0 );}`,
`uniform float time;
uniform sampler2D tDiffuse;
uniform vec2 resolution;
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform vec2 uMouse;
float circle(vec2 uv, vec2 disc_center, float disc_radius, float border_size) {
uv -= disc_center;
float dist = sqrt(dot(uv, uv));
return smoothstep(disc_radius+border_size, disc_radius-border_size, dist);
void main() {
vec2 newUV = vUv;
float c = circle(vUv, uMouse, 0.0, 0.2);
float r = texture2D(tDiffuse, newUV.xy += c * (0.1 * .5)).x;
float g = texture2D(tDiffuse, newUV.xy += c * (0.1 * .525)).y;
float b = texture2D(tDiffuse, newUV.xy += c * (0.1 * .55)).z;
vec4 color = vec4(r, g, b, 1.);
gl_FragColor = color;
customPass = new ShaderPass(shaderEffect);
customPass.renderToScreen = true;
const animation = () => {
customPass.uniforms.uMouse.value = uMouse;
$image.src = $img.src
const handleCursorAnimation = () => {
document.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
uMouse.x = e.clientX / window.innerWidth;
uMouse.y = 1 - e.clientY / window.innerHeight;
Sorry, I’m a bit new to this, and it’s been quite challenging to try to make it work!