UV or Texture loading Problem in 3D model

Hi guys.
I have a problem with textures and uv.
I have downloaded standard textures from the Polyhaven website.

Now I load textures in a plane geometry and in one of the meshes in my 3d model.
But the result is like the picture.In model does not appear good

Way of loading is incorrect or does the 3d model have a problem?
How Can I set a global loader that will load for every kind of texture without changing the scale and rotation and repeat the texture in each mesh?
This is a home renew 3D configurator and I need to write codes that should work for all materials(wood, tiles, wallpaper, …) result should be real.

There isn’t any way to determine what the “correct” scale/rotation of for a texture to be, except by manually determining it.

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how manualy?

You can open the model in blender and update the value of scale and rotation in shader editor

Would you please tell me the exact menu and setting?

Can you share the bigger picture of node editor section with all the nodes

it should be something similar to mapping or a node related to scale or rotate.

So top mapping node/box
You can the values of rotate scale and location
It will change the value of main texture

The second mapping (middle one) is for metalic and roughness map
And third is for normal map

Trying changing the values of first mapping node/box
Then export the model in glb/gltf format

Hope it helps

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I have done it. Thanks. worked.
But some layers does not have mapping

You can add the mapping node to it manually just like the previous image you sent. Shift+A is the key i guess

Like this image just add node manually to textures

You can also copy the nodes from other textures too

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this is my model

Here is a YouTube video link
You can refer this

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Just a reminder: if it’s your personal project, sharing the file/asset is fine. However, if you’re using any organization’s assets or paid assets, it’s recommended not to share them publicly.

For meshes that I rotate texture in Blender it is ok. but when I load texture in three.js it has same problem.Do you know the reason?

   selectedObject.material =  new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
            map: map1,
            normalMap: normalMap1,
            aoMap: aoMap1,
            roughnessMap: aoMap1,
            metalnessMap: aoMap1,

no.It is a free model that I have downloaded from sketchfab

It can be because of uv mapping. Also i guess you can transform the texture in three js to

This can help i guess

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