UV or Texture loading Problem in 3D model

You know.I think it is better to make model correct and final user just will select matrials abd see preview on each meshes.It is a little complex to tell them to rotate materials

Thanks for all of the solutions.changing UV in the blender and transforming texture in three.js.nice
But Imagine we have different texture images that related to real materials in a house like wallpaper,parket,tiles,color,wood,…

The actual size of that material in terms of fineness and coarseness is very important compared to the actual product

I mean I am searching for an automatic solution that will work for all kinds of meshes,uv, and textures.
I mean if I make my uv small that is nice for the current material it would not be good for another material(size)
So the first thing is comes to my mind is Dividing the width and height of mesh to width and height of texture to find out repeat upon each texture file size(width, height)
what is your idea?

To achieve this you have to work with the repeat value of your texture. Let’s say you have a 1m x 1m plane, if you want to fit a texture onto it that is 2m x 1.4m then you yust have to divide the meshs size with the texture size:

map.repeat.set(1 / 2, 1 / 1.4)

Obviously you have to know the dimensions of your wall textures. Hope that helps

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textures all in pixels. Do we have to convert them to meters?
What happens to dpi? Is it possible to access the dpi of the texture?