Use of multiple fragmentShaders with outputStruct and renderTarget

I would like to use two fragment shaders with the outputStruct node. This works without errors at first.

Now I would like to save the output of the second fragment shader in a texture. For this I simply use the renderTarget. However, I have to make a mistake here because I get error messages in the console

renderTarget = new THREE.RenderTarget(window.innerWidth * dpr, window.innerHeight * dpr, {count: 2});

const fragmentShader1 = wgslFn(`
  fn main1(
  ) -> vec4<f32> {
    return vec4<f32>(1, 0, 0, 1);

const fragmentShader2 = wgslFn(`
  fn main2(
  ) -> vec4<f32> {
    return vec4<f32>(0, 1, 0, 1);

const material = new MeshBasicNodeMaterial();
material.outputNode = outputStruct(

quad = new QuadMesh(material);

//in the render loop

renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
renderer.setRenderTarget( null );

error message in the console:

index.html:1  Color target has no corresponding fragment stage output but writeMask (ColorWriteMask::(Red|Green|Blue|Alpha)) is not zero.
 - While validating targets[1] framebuffer output.
 - While validating fragment state.
 - While calling [Device].CreateRenderPipeline([RenderPipelineDescriptor]).

250[Invalid RenderPipeline] is invalid.
 - While encoding [RenderPassEncoder].SetPipeline([Invalid RenderPipeline]).
249[Invalid CommandBuffer from CommandEncoder "renderContext_0"] is invalid.
 - While calling [Queue].Submit([[Invalid CommandBuffer from CommandEncoder "renderContext_0"]])

I see a red screen, the output of the first shader. I need the output of the second shader in a texture for further calculations in another shader. And that’s why I would like to render the output of the second shader into a texture.
Does anyone already have experience with this?

here a codePen example:

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I don’t know the exact nature of those error messages, but wouldn’t this require multiple render targets?

I have managed to render to multiple render targets on WebGPU using the node system by using WebGLMultipleRenderTargets. (However, notice that I am still on Three.js version r157.)

I define it like this:

const multiRenderTarget = new WebGLMultipleRenderTargets(undefined, undefined, 0);
multiRenderTarget.texture = [colorTexture, normalTexture, idTexture];
multiRenderTarget.depthTexture = depthTexture;

and obviously also set its correct size later.

My image is rendered into colorTexture, which I later render to screen in a different pass, while my other textures contain the normals, IDs and depth values that I write into it from the fragment shader.

My output node declaration looks like this, which is similar to yours so I think that should work:

material.outputNode = Nodes.outputStruct(
    mainColorNode(colorNodeParams), // Color (wgslFn node)
    Nodes.vec4(Nodes.normalView, 1.0), // Normal
    idNode(idNodeParams), // ID (wgslFn node)

The WebGLMultipleRenderTarget will disappear with r172. It is also a WebGL target which I would not like to use in a WebGPU environment. I’ll take a look at the renderTargets in the threejs code, maybe that will help me. But thank you for your effort. If I find something I’ll let you know so you’re up to date because a lot has happened in threejs in terms of WebGPU since r157 :blush:

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Solved with the example:

The textures do not need to be specified extra.
For the WebGPU renderer you should then use the RenderTarget. This is now automatically a multipleRenderTarget with a count > 1. If no count is specified, it is 1 by default.

const renderTargetOptions = { 
   count: 2, 
   minFilter: THREE.NearestFilter, 
   magFilter: THREE.NearestFilter 

renderTarget = new THREE.RenderTarget(width, height);					

Since you also work with the readRenderTargetPixelsAsync. With r164 ​​comes a small extension with which you can specify which of the renderTarget textures you want to read.

readRenderTargetPixelsAsync( renderTarget, x, y, width, height, index );

However, the index is optional and can also be omitted if you want to read the first texture.

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