Trinityjs - an Open Source Nodejs backend for threejs Projects

Good evening,

We’ve just released the developer SDK for Trinityjs, the platform I’ve been delivering solutions on since 2008…

I hope others will be able to use it, maybe even contribute some new features :slight_smile:
The demo clients include some AR and VR functionality, more to come.

It’s designed for threejs developers, whether or not they have dabbled with nodejs before.
I rarely change anything in the backend from project to project, it’s always in the front end, and e-commerce integration the work lies (not to mention creating the models…), but for the more adventurous amongst you, be my guest to change anything you like.

It uses MariaDB (MySQL). I know that’s awfully old fashioned, but I prefer it to paying 700 bucks a year for MondoDB. If anyone ports it to MondoDB, that would, I’m sure be a popular branch.

There’s a lot of useful endpoints built in, so integration with a react-three-fiber frontend would be
quite simple from studying the plain javascript example clients provided (there’s one for a product configurator, and one for a room planner).

So you don’t have to install it before taking a test drive, here’s a full, open hosted version where
you can login as administrator. Upload whatever models you like. The database is backed up and I
will reset it once in a while.

user name:
password: trinityjs123

Have fun! All your feedback greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


Now with editing in VR

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And now some different AR modes…

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Started a companion website…

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New video shows how to create models in Blender ready for publishing in Trinity, as well as the basics of extending the base class for adding your own functionality…

Trinity You Tube Channel