I’m having some trouble when rendering to a RT with transparent clear color.
My goal is to make selective blur to some parts of the scene. What I try to do here is to render these parts to a different RT and after that just draw that RT on the scene using a plane geometry. I’m using composer as a quick test so I don’t have to create all RTs for the 2 pass blur and so on.
So my steps are these:
- Create an ortho camera
- Create an scene to render the blurred parts and add the geometry to blur there
- Create a RT to store the blurred result
- Use Composer to apply blur (2 passes, V & H) to this scene
- Create a result scene, with a background (Color or Image) and just a plane with the render texture from the blur scene composer.
When I set the result scene background as a color, everything works as expected, but when I switch it to use a texture, the blur RT background color renders as opaque black
Here is a demo showing the problem
Any idea? what am I doing wrong?