Three.js Team, I love you! Feedback: Please add Transmissíon to Examples

Dear Three.JS team.
First off: I love you all. You are doing a fantastic job and you’re revolutionizing the web as we know it. I’m a small business owner and we’re switching to three.js projects to be ready for the future. Learning day by day, wrapping our heads around this technology.

It took us quite a while to understand what transmission is and we are still not sure if we got it right. I wanted to ask if you could add the “transmission” property to the Documentation-Example:

It would help a lot to understand how transmission and specular lights work. We need to make some materials with Transmission, and colored specular lights. If you have a chance that would be awesome. And if you could add thickness as well that would be absolutelly amazing.

Again thank you for your absolutelly great work!
