Three.js + cannon.js (scene, physics, collision)

Good day! We will be glad to help :pray:t3:

The video shows an example from the Match 3d blast game (an application for a smartphone in the Android/iOS store), we need something similar, but on Three.js + cannon.js, since it will work on the web (in TMA). It is not the entire application that needs to be implemented, but only this block of the game where the elements are in the video + loading 3d objects in the background (when the user is in TMA, but has not yet pressed Play). The game itself has an animation of boosts for additional time and a magnet (example in video 2). How many pairs, what objects, a timer, whether boosts are active or not and how much time is added or automatically collects pairs, how much XP for collecting a specific pair of objects - transmitted from the backend (node.js). We wait for information back upon completion of the timer - whether everything has been collected or not, at what second the last pair was collected, how many pairs have been collected and how much XP has been awarded for each.

Please feel free contact me
TLG: sunnylight99

Hello @Vld
could you attach the video you mentioned? :slight_smile:

Sorry :man_facepalming::sweat_smile:

yeah, so interested!
could we have a detailed discussion?

Telegram, np

I am interested in your project.
Can we have detailed discussion about your project?
Telegram: hosuyep

sent my telegram id via DM.

Send me U name Tlg, please.

Yes. @adamSzucs001

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