The difference in the weight of the model itself and the amount of memory loaded in the console

What is the reason for the difference in amount of memory of the model itself and the amount of memory loaded in the console.
All models are copy of one model

Memory usage
network tab in the dev console
size on server


network tab in the dev console
size on server


HERE Link on test page:

Your server is applying gzip compression before serving the files, so it sends less data over the network. From browser developer tools, note the ‘Content-Encoding: gzip’ line here:

That’s a good thing, but note that it doesn’t affect the memory required to render everything — it all still has to be decompressed first. Usually the memory cost will be much higher than any of these numbers. In particular, JPEG and PNG textures are fully decompressed to raw pixel data on the GPU. KTX2 / Basis Universal textures are a way to avoid that problem.