Texture from Base64 data render white on object

Hi, I am trying to load base64 data from canvas and assign it to glb object mesh, all worked but the texture shows only white color instead colorful image.

I checked by downloading that image data it shows colorful image that is assigning.
Aslo when I am creating texture from giving direct url saved from downloaded image it shows colors.

here is my sample code

                const image = new Image();
                image.onload = () => {
                    console.log("Image onload fired....");
                    const texture = new THREE.Texture(image);
                    texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding // added later to check
                    texture.needsUpdate = true; // Indicate that the texture needs to be updated
                    if (callback) {
                        console.log("Texure call back fired...");
                image.src = iconData;

Can any one guide what am I missing or have proper way to achieve?

Your code looks right… what is in the callback fn?

Loading a texture and assigning are both in different function. Creating Texture passed to function that assign texture to 3d model.
I am bit confuse about 3d Model, I am not aware about that designing part. Need to figure it out if design creating problem!

Just to throw some debugging into the mix, did you try to view the iconData base64 in a b64 validator? You can paste your b64 string in here to see a visual representation of the image data…

As I see, base64 is not compact and large images may not optimally (despite optically) resolve. My project uses centre-weighted voronoi to pre-compress the uint. Will you console.log the image dimensions and chunk buffer?

Deferred accolades,
8Sk Me