Hey Im using the SSAARenderPass + SAOPass to get a Ambient Occlusion effect, which works. But when orbiting around I see weird stripes on the walls. Where are these coming from? How to avoid them? What else can I provide?
As you see, the stripes rotate with the camera and get bigger when zooming off.
this._renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true, alpha: true } )
this._renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true
this._renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap
this._renderer.setSize( this.w, this.h )
this._renderer.toneMappingExposure = 1
this._renderer.toneMapping = THREE.Uncharted2ToneMapping
this._renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.GammaEncoding
this._renderer.gammaFactor = 2
this.composer = new EffectComposer(this._renderer)
this.composer.setSize( this.w, this.h )
Color.anisotropy = this._renderer.capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy()
this.composer.setSize(this.w, this.h)
this.ssaaRenderPass = new SSAARenderPass(this._scene, this.camera, 0x000000, 0)
this.ssaaRenderPass.setSize(this.w, this.h)
this.ssaaRenderPass.unbiased = true
this.SAO = new SAOPass(this._scene, this.camera, true, true)
this.SAO.resolution.set(2048, 2048)
this.SAO.params.saoBias = .01
this.SAO.params.saoIntensity = .0012
this.SAO.params.saoScale = .3
this.SAO.params.saoKernelRadius = 40
this.SAO.params.saoBlurRadius = 4
this.SAO.params.saoMinResolution = 0