TLDR, I am able to update local matrices easily by just
// create object
const object = new THREE.Object3D
object.matrixAutoUpdate = false // tell Three not to update the matrix based on position, rotation, etc.
// then in the render loop
function render() {
// manually set the matrix
and that’s all, it should work when the calls scene.updateMatrixWorld().
I’m manually calculating local and world matrices for each Object3D, but I’m not sure how to make it update.
but nothing happens, as if everything is rendered with an identity matrix.
I also tried
object3d.matrixWorld.set( ...arrayOfWorldValues )
but I realized that doesn’t work because the world matrices are overriden when scene.updateMatrixWorld() is called in the renderer.
I thought that the scene.updateMatrixWorld() call would update all the world matrices after I’ve set the local ones.
What am I missing?
Ideally, I don’t want to set local matrices, I want to set world matrices directly (I already have those calculated myself outside of Three.js), but they get overriden.
You could also overwrite the updateMatrixWorld function of Object3D, like declaring a new class of Object3D but with your own updateMatrixWorld method.
That’s true, but what’s the prescribed way of doing it?
I’m fine for now with setting local matrices and having Three.js waste time updating the world matrices, but I can’t even get that to work.
Ideally, I’d supply the world matrices since I’m already making those my self externally, but I’d still like to know why I can’t get the local-matrix version working.
This fiddle shows that I only need matrixAutoUpdate to be false, then using object.matrix.set(...) always works:, so I must be doing something wrong in mine. I want to post it, but I fear it’s much too complicated to post (this logic spans across multiple classes in multiple files).
What’s strage about my case is that each frame I can console.log(object.matrix.elements) and I see that those are changing each frame, just that the visuals aren’t updating. Hmmmm.
Ah, yep, it was my mistake, I had some attributes commented out like so when using my Custom Elements:
//size="400 400 400"
but the HTML engine ignores the // so it was setting my mesh to be huge, and therefore outside of the viewing area, so I thought nothing was happening.
TLDR, I am able to update local matrices easily by just
// create object
const object = new THREE.Object3D
object.matrixAutoUpdate = false
// then in the render loop
function render() {
and that’s all, it should work when the calls scene.updateMatrixWorld().
var rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(m);
var translation = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(x,y,z);