Silent Hill. Snow, partial city, animations, triggers, dissolve.
Made in 30.04.21 - 30.05.21
Download: GitHub - chasergit/24_silent_hill
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On a complete side-note - it may not be 100% legal / possible to show the entire thing, but that does look like a lot of great work done - if you could publish even just the fanciest parts of code, out of sheer curiosity of how it looks - that’d be awesome
I download github program and upload files.
Like in Play Station One, town rendering partialy. All town separated to sections. When you step on one section, script load one part of town, when step another section - another part. Chainging parts took only 0.02ms. Snow falling on any triangles and before checking what triangles are in his mini sections where he want to fall.
Added demo, town minimized, english version.
Never expected I’d be scared by a green line. I thought it is a kind of a laser beam, something like the lasers in “Alice in Borderland” - when you cross it there is no going back.
PS. Crossed it. Still alive. Relieved.
It is still accessible from within @Mugen87’s reply.