Water, sun, clouds, effects, algorithms

About 1000 links. Download:
links_en_utf-8.txt (48.3 KB)
links_ru.txt (47.7 KB)

see Silent Hill. Snow, partial city, animations, triggers, dissolve - #2 by Mugen87

Changed to txt.

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Is it supposed to look like this?

òðàåêòîðèÿ ïàäåíèÿ äóãè https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/BaQzqqx
3d äûì 1 https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/wvzVoYm
3d äûì 2 https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/WNwdXey
òóìàí ó ïîäíîæüÿ https://codepen.io/prisoner849/details/gOPVeRv
ñåðåáðî https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/mdVONVE
ñêàííåð https://codepen.io/prisoner849/details/mdeKeZX
ïîäñâåòêà ãðàíåé ñ ðàçìàòèåì https://codepen.io/prisoner849/details/yLYoNWX
dissolve gradient https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/LYVMNoE
ñåòêà https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/OJVbZdq
ñôåðà ñ êàðòèíêàìè è ðàçáèåíèåì https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/KKpeoGv
çàïîëíåíèå ìîäåëè https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/MWWXoMx
äâèæåíèå ïî êðèâîé https://codepen.io/prisoner849/pen/RwbjwgZ

Try open in default WordPad. There is russian text.

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Converted from ansi to utf-8 chars. Try again.


Encoding aside - it looks similar to @hofk’s collection of examples. If made a bit more readable, it could be just as useful for learning new stuff :100:

Added another formats. If not readable then maybe there is no russian charsets in windows.

Pleas try to write your documents in English. The forum does not accept other languages for posts in general.

BTW: Use a translation tool if you have troubles with English.

I took a look at the file links_ru_windows-1251.rtf. Why don’t you create a simple html file with the links?

For translation Russian English and Russian German I tried https://translate.google.com/
DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator .

With Deepl you even get several matching suggestions. Since my English is bad, I try then also the back translation. This usually results in a usable translation.

Google translates only 5000 symbols, i have 48874. Is too hard to find good translating program.
Translated to english with utf-8.

I copied the complete file (links_ru_windows-1251.rtf. - opened) online in deepl and translated it to German and English.

Looks good. Try it once.

Already translated in top. You opened ans russian chars was readable?

Yes, on my computer it works.

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