Github City : Generating a city from your Github contributions

I made this app last year and thought I could share it here :slight_smile:


That’s awesome!

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hey @honzaap, that’s really awesome. I also recently started exploring three js. Can you help me with how you animated those ships and clouds? I am trying to do something like that but with a space shuttle but I just don’t know how to proceed with that. Any study material or tutorial you referred?

It’s fairly simple to animate a boat because it just goes in a straight path…just make an animation that goes form a set of coordinates to another set of coordinates…alongside that you need a rotation animation that will do likewise

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hey, thanks for the response. What tools do I have to use to achieve that? is three js enough?

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Very cool!

There is something strange happening with the roads though :thinking: I mean, I know some of my projects end up dead, but the civil engineers of this city don’t have to be rude about it and visualize my failures with dead-end roads :sob:

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lol…I just realized why my city looked abandoned

The boats were animated in Blender, it is just a simple animation that goes on loop forever. The animation was exported with the glb model and then passed to AnimationMixer. The project is open source, so you can look at the end of the scene.js file, where the animated environment is handled.

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great city, love it

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