Scene.environment HDR, but it's at the incorrect rotation/offset, and can't adjust

Apply the scene environment, works!

  new THREE.RGBELoader().load(_G.SCENES[_G.SID].hdr, ( texture )=>{
      texture.mapping = THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping; //THREE.CubeReflectionMapping; //THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping;
      this.hdr_map = texture;
      this.scene.environment = this.hdr_map;

And trying to rotate it with dat gui has no effect:

  this.gui_hdr_texture_rotation = f.add(this.settings, 'hdr_texture_rotation', 0, Math.PI*2, 0.001).name("hdr texture rotation").onChange((val)=>{ 
      if('hdr' in _G.SCENES[_G.SID]){
          _G.MYTHREE.scene.environment.rotation = val;
          _G.MYTHREE.scene.environment.needsUpdate = true;
  this.gui_hdr_texture_offset = f.add(this.settings, 'hdr_texture_offset', 0,1, 0.001).name("hdr texture offset").onChange((val)=>{ 
      if('hdr' in _G.SCENES[_G.SID]){
          _G.MYTHREE.scene.environment.needsUpdate = true;

Any idea why both rotation/offset has NO EFFECT?

Additionally, what is the relationship between RGBELoader and PMREMGenerator. Sometimes they are used together and other times not.

As far as I’m aware this functionality has not yet been integrated into the library… CubeTexture orientation · Issue #16328 · mrdoob/three.js · GitHub there are workarounds on other questions related in the forum though