Render error after WKWebView crash

render error after WKWebView crash

system: IOS,15.X 16.X 17.X this problem will occur
i use ktx2loader and uastc.
.ktx2 file rendering effect is 0xff00ff
.jpg file rendering effect is 0x000000

I readed three.js code, not find the clue.
The rendering effect is occur after WKWebView crash and reload the HTML
Please help me.

Reproduction steps my page other html page
3.WKWebView crash and my page reload
4.back my page find the problem


Please share both JPG and KTX2 textures as well as the code that you use to load and render. Ideally, you use some sort of live example (e.g. three.js dev template - module - JSFiddle - Code Playground) that demonstrates the issue.

The question only appears after a WKWebView crash on IOS. so I’m afraid Can’t find the problem even if I provide examples.I will post an example later.