Reflection on shapes

Hi! I want to make reflection on all shapes in my project like in this example, but also i want to set scene backgound to white and save hdr reflection on shapes. How i can do this?

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My bad. Please, look on this codepen. line:30.

If i set scene.background = new THREE.Color(“0xfffffff”); all of my scene become white. i want to save reflection from hdri map and other objects and set background to white color

You can set an array of backgrounds and switch them before and after updating of cube cameras in the render loop.

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Thank you very much, prisoner! Now its works fine!

Maybe you can help me with another problem? I ve been stuck with this for a long time. I starting to develop project three.js + fabric.js there you can to transform / rotate texture on the object. Controls works perfect on the fabric canvas, but i want to get opportunity to control texture on the object too. I found coords on model and sync it with coords on canvas fabric js. But i dont know how to set correct click event and get full manage this clicked objects. I set custom event, where i transferred x,y coords.Unfortunately Its works wrong, after click event coords of fabrics object knock down

Please, look at this codepen:

also i recorded video that represent my problem:!AOnxLqHiOgg8TP4&cid=0C3E5B55511648AB&id=C3E5B55511648AB!76966&parId=root&o=OneUp

Thank you!

Thanks for adding extra detail to your post, that’s much better.

If you need to ask another unrelated question then please make a new thread and ask there.

I know this can seem tedious, but the purpose of this forum is to be a knowledge bank of solved problems that people can find from a search engine.

The price of receiving free help here is that you must make your questions useful, and findable, for other people too. This means providing all relevant information and asking each question separately with a clear title.

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Hi, looeee! It`s already exists, but still have not answered :frowning:

Ah, yeah that could be a tricky one. I’ve never used fabric.js and I’d say most people here have not either. So there’s not many people who can help.

You could try asking on stackoverflow. Just remember if you do that it’s good form to link to your post here as well, so that people don’t end up doing the work twice.

Its exists on stackoverflow too :slight_smile:

Ok, best of luck. Hopefully someone will help you out :slightly_smiling_face:

And if you post here and stackerflow in future please do link the posts to stop people doing the work for you twice.

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Hi! Now this problem is solved! Please, look at this stackoverflow topic