React Three Fiber (outline)


Have probrem with outline when render 2 camera

When render without params outline dont render
When render < Hub > with < Hud renderPriority={2} > = render 1st camera (mesh cube)

but dont render outline on sphere

< Select enabled={true }>
< sphereGeometry args={[2]} />
</ Select >

I’ve tried all sorts of different solutions to the problem and they haven’t worked.

it won’t work. the hud would have to render through the effect composer and not just call g.render(scene, camera).

i suggest you make your own renderpipeline which renders the background first (through vanilla postpro) and then the hud (again though pp).

Any examples? I’m not sure where to start

you would use this to render, after rt/pp is but a thin abstraction around it.
and you make your own HUD component, that also uses pp to renders.

in my opinion it isn’t worth it. there are probably better ways to highlight something. using colors, indicators, …

By the way, I think it’s better if you find another way to stroke it, :crazy_face: :love_you_gesture: :smiley: