I noticed a vast jump in environmental intensity when updating the following demo’s ( by @drcmda ) dependencies from previous verions to the latest ( I updated all dependencies but in particular drei from 9.78.2 to 9.88.3 )
previous dependency versions…
latest / updated dependency versions…
is there a known issue for this jump in R3/drei’s use of <Environment/> and / or is there documentation on how to manage this?
The first thing that comes to mind is that it may be related to the Updates to lighting in three.js r155 thread but then it’s also apparent that this would typically be managed by drei’s internals…
Historically many R3F post-processing demos have done tone-mapping before all the post-processing effects. That isn’t possible in the most recent three.js releases. Perhaps it should be… it isn’t really a correct HDR workflow, but for backward-compatibility we may need to work something out, TBD.
I think your ideal fix right now would be:
Disable built-in tone mapping (<Canvas flat />)
Add tone mapping to the end of the effects stack (<ToneMapping />)
Increase the bloom luminance threshold to account for the HDR dynamic range (no magic number here, but luminanceThreshold={2} looks about right)
I suspect that newer effects like N8AO will work better with this setup, in any case. If not we should look into that.
get’s the result back to / unnoticeably close to the the original aesthetic of the demo with previous / older dependencies, thanks for the guidance here and hopefully this hasn’t opened a can of worms…