Preloading issue with URL links fetched from backend

Hi guys!
One thing I’m worried about is how can I preload the glb asset I got from the server.
I got the model url from the server and passed it as a parameter to preload().
But I’m getting fetch error and CORs error.
The url is:`Expires=1737135002&Key-Pair-Id=KM5T7AX9Z97KC&Signature=HQ8Dtf5sAbvTLgzHG1wUkJq4UPc6d6zDQ6o9fNOFGC9dd-eFEOIap92LckPB5~TkVwr3R544-ACzh1qr7o9-~VvCl3s9Rr-`
Maybe the format of this link is wrong or is there any other way to implement this?
If someone can help me I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

The link isn’t working for me, I’m getting a 403 error.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403.

You might also want to remove the backticks (“`”) when formatting the URL string.

Thank you very much.
This is my current code.

const data = await axios.get(‘api/getAllModel’).data;

data.forEach((item) => {

My purpose is to fetch data from server to browser cache for upgrade performance.
Can you explain in more detail to fix fetch and CORs error?

It’s likely a server-side header configuration issue. If you’re using CloudFront, this SO might help you set up CORS properly with your CDN.

So, my current code piece is correct?

Since you’re using Axios, your code should look more like this:

const response = await axios.get('api/getAllModel');
const data =;

data.forEach((item) => {

To debug the fetched data, you can use a simple console.log(response) or console.log(data) to inspect it.

I also spent some time struggling with preloading files and models. After some research, the following structure now works for me.

// first load the CSV data, then LoadingManager, then load assets, then processing, animation 
preloadCsvData( )
  .then( ( ) => {
    console.log('CSV data loaded:', csvData); 
    initializeCsvBasedData( );   // convert data into  desired format
    const loadingManager = new LoadingManager( ( ) => { // start LoadingManager
		// ... // some code
    } );

    const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader( loadingManager );
    const audioLoader = new AudioLoader( loadingManager );
    const textureLoader = new TextureLoader( loadingManager );

    loadingAssets( gltfLoader, audioLoader, textureLoader ); // load models, audio, textures
    animate(); // start animation
  .catch( error => { console.error( 'Error when loading CSV data: ', error); } );
  function preloadCsvData( ) { // load several CSV files in advance and save them in the map
    return Promise.all( [
        loadCsv( './Model.csv' ).then( data => csvData.set( 'Model', data ) ),
        loadCsv( './Mesh.csv' ).then( data => csvData.set( 'Mesh', data ) ),
        loadCsv( './Geometry.csv' ).then( data => csvData.set( 'Geometry', data ) ),
    ] );

function loadCsv( filePath ) { // load CSV file and convert to array, remove header
  return fetch( filePath )
    .then( response => response.text( ) )
    .then( csvData => {
      // ... // some code
    } );

Thank you for your input code.
But for laodCsv(), you used file’s location as parameter but I have not this parameter information for me.
My files are stored on server, and I have to fetch this information from server using Axios get request.
But as you know, the format of model location information from server is like that:

const location = (`Expires=1737135002&Key-Pair-Id=KM5T7AX9Z97KC&Signature=HQ8Dtf5sAbvTLgzHG1wUkJq4UPc6d6zDQ6o9fNOFGC9dd-eFEOIap92LckPB5~TkVwr3R544-ACzh1qr7o9-~VvCl3s9Rr-)

If you use this as a parameter, I don’t think it will be recognized as location information.
How can I use this server file location URL instead of client local location.
Or is there another way?
One more thing, I am going to do preload glb and texture files. So I will use useGLTF.preload() and useTexture.preload() method.
Thank you.

Your file is an XML file that cannot be opened directly.

I wanted to test later anyway whether I can load my csv files from the server. I tried it right away.

I get a cross-origin message that leads to:

The response to the CORS request is missing the required Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, which is used to determine whether or not the resource can be accessed by content operating within the current origin.

If the server is under your control, add the origin of the requesting site to the set of domains permitted access by adding it to the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header’s value.

I’ll have to see how far my rights on the server go and how I can solve the problem.

Your message is same with current mine.
I have already attempted so. Look at my code.

export const getAllDesignModels = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(GET_ALL_DESIGN_MODELS, {
headers: {
“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”: “*”,
“Access-Control-Allow-Credentials”: “true”,
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Fetch error:’, error);

Do you think this is correct?

I don’t have the time to deal with the configuration at the moment.

But I would be more careful there:


Thank you very much.

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That was my stupid mistake in my haste! :frowning_face:

I had the application on the local server http:/ /… , but downloaded the file from my rented server:

So the error was unavoidable!

If I only use one server at a time, it works with both servers.

Good to hear that!

My server is also on rented server. So finally, you have solved this issue?
I am in horrible bugs yet on my side.

Is it right if I use server file URL like http://JSK443... instead of the local URL like /cabinets/model1.glb for the parameter of useGltf.preload() or useTexture.preload()?
If so, why CORs error is occurred in these code line?

As a mate, I am feeling good about you and we can be a good pair for our business based on common skills and work part.
If possible, I’d like to keep in touch with you via discord or telegram.

  • Local URLs are from the same domain (eg: and are not subject to CORS restrictions.
  • Assets hosted on a CDN or a different domain (eg: are subject to CORS policies because they come from a different origin.

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a browser security feature that controls how websites can request resources from other domains. It prevents unauthorized or malicious access to data. For two domains to share resources, both must explicitly allow it through CORS headers; otherwise, the browser will block the request.

As @hofk pointed out, leaving your CDN open to all requests (*) is risky. Anyone can abuse it by triggering multiple requests or even a soft DDoS attack, which could lead to higher costs. A better approach is to restrict access by setting the CDN origin to your domain (eg: instead of allowing everyone *.

Yes, I have tried on client side. But one thing I am wondering about is that this attempt is failed too.

But when I have tried to make this specific image or model to be imported by that server side file link to display image and place model, this files was imported successfully.
In this case, why doesn’t preload work with server side file link and why do import and display working with server side file link.

What do you think why they are generating other result (in cas of preload and general load)?

Sorry, but I’m busy enough and not active on discord or other channels.

Just finished the project Single-branched geometry organically shaped in the web editor, I’m already very busy with a new project.

But I always find time for answers here on discourse that match my skills and for Collection of examples from

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