Hey, im implementing SAO from this example in Angular 2+.
but it looks really blurry and seems like antialiasing is not working.
With some tweaking I get it brighter, but those were the default settings.
How can I use antialiasing with SAO or SSAO? What else can I do to improve quality?
What else can I provide?
Okay thanks error is gone, but now with SAO & FXAA it still looks very blurry and dark and still pixelated like hell.
FXAA does not really have any impact? And why is it so dark and blurry? These are the default settings like in the example. Looks completely different
Posts above were on a iMac tested Safari and Chrome need to test tomorrow again on iOS.
Right now im on a w7 PC Chrome/Firefox and the blurry and pixelated stuff is gone. FXAA seems to work, but now when I use SAOPass.OUTPUT.SAO I only see white, theres no ambient occlusion. Same on the sao threejs example I see only white when set to SAO
Im not getting the jsFiddle to work. How to include the threejs example files properly? Anyway thats basicly what happens. The models used are gltf’s exported from Blender. They are placed to form a shelf dynamicly.
Here is a live example on a test server where SAO and FXAA is enabled (meanwhile inactive)
It would be good if you can reproduce the issue with a fiddle. In any event, SAOPass produces the best quality but it’s also a very slow FX pass. You might get better performance with SSAO and still have a decent quality.
Okay weird. The test server example on my w7 PC with Chrome looks very good, but has no visible ambient occlusion. FXAA is working tho.
Today testing on a iMac on Chrome it looks like the picture you posted. Is it hardware related?
Im gonna try to reproduce the whole thing in a fiddle. May I send you the whole project?
I tried to reproduce the issue in this jsFiddle, but it is actually working.
I do see the SAO and FXAA.
Then I included SAO in a test project I made recently. I uploaded it to a github repo
This is also a Angular 2+ project as mine and I get the same behavior. Could it be module related?
Code goes from app.component.ts -> scene-manager.ts -> room.ts & light.ts & exhibition.ts
Most important stuff is in scene-manager.ts