Portfolio Magic book showcase

Hello everyone,
I am really excited to share my personal project.

Link: https://tranhogdiep.github.io/
The source code is available on Github.

Hope you like it and give me feedback.
Thank you very much!!


It looks nice. Congrats. It is a kind of portfolio, isn’t it.

The landing page is somewhat heavy for my very old laptop, but it works fine. Here are a few ideas:

  • there is some aliasing issue (some thin lines look dashed)
  • would be nice if the lightnings are dynamic, not static
  • it would be amazing, if you can turn the pages as if they are pages (like this: https://batman-omega.vercel.app/)

Thank you for feeback!
About aliasing, I using fxaa before, but the result not really good(you can see compare below). So I do not using any aa right know. Do you have any ideas for this case?

The ideas about the lightning and pages really nice. I will do it and update here when I done.

Awesome! It’s impressive.


Hi Di_p_Tr_n,

this is very beautiful and artistic.
Is there a special reason why you use “antialias: false” in the renderer setup?

_renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: false });

With antialias: true the staircase effect may become weaker?

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Yes, That’s right in case you do not use EffectComposer. Because as I know, the antialias flag will be ignored.