Not able to run three js Editor on local machine

I have extracted zip file and running it on visual studio with command npm i && npm start but getting Error-
[HTTP] [2020-10-29T06:03:58.079Z] “GET /favicon.ico” Error (404): "Not found"

Please help me with this.

This is just a HTTP 404 error. It means the favicon.ico file could not be loaded from your local server. However, this happens for all local servers with the official repository and does not affect the hosting functionality.

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C:\Users\shubham.soni04\Downloads\three.js-dev\three.js-dev>npm start

three@0.122.0 start C:\Users\shubham.soni04\Downloads\three.js-dev\three.js-dev
npm run dev

three@0.122.0 dev C:\Users\shubham.soni04\Downloads\three.js-dev\three.js-dev
concurrently --names “ROLLUP,HTTP” -c “bgBlue.bold,bgGreen.bold” “rollup -c utils/build/rollup.config.js -w -m inline” “http-server -c-1 -p 8080”

[HTTP] Starting up http-server, serving ./
[HTTP] Available on:
[HTTP] Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
[ROLLUP] rollup v2.28.1
[ROLLUP] bundles src/Three.js → build\three.js…
[ROLLUP] (!) Broken sourcemap
[ROLLUP] Rollup | Rollup
[ROLLUP] Plugins that transform code (such as ‘at position 7’) should generate accompanying sourcemaps
[ROLLUP] created build\three.js in 39.5s
[ROLLUP] bundles src/Three.js → build\three.min.js…
[ROLLUP] (!) Broken sourcemap
[ROLLUP] Rollup | Rollup
[ROLLUP] Plugins that transform code (such as ‘at position 8’) should generate accompanying sourcemaps
[ROLLUP] created build\three.min.js in 34.8s
[ROLLUP] bundles src/Three.js → build\three.module.js…
[ROLLUP] (!) Broken sourcemap
[ROLLUP] Rollup | Rollup
[ROLLUP] Plugins that transform code (such as ‘at position 4’) should generate accompanying sourcemaps
[ROLLUP] created build\three.module.js in 5.6s

It stops after here

Are you using a latest version of node.js?

i am using node 12.X

Sorry, I have no idea why this happens.