ThreeJS Documentation not work locally

I tried to use the Documentation from the GutHub Sources of the ThreeJS, offline, locally.
When I start the server in the “docs” folder, the page loads with errors and links don’t work.
The whole discussion is here:

Unfortunately the ThreeJS don’t want to suggest Offline Documentation :confused:
Is it possible to have the ThreeJS documentation offline?! I see so many people ask about this in years. And the answer is that “the documentation is in the source”, but it traditionally NOT work.
I understand that entering in your site is important, but occasionally the developer must work without Internet, which is absolutely impossible without documentation.

It’s working locally - but you shouldn’t start the server manually in any specific directory, since the project consists of many interconnected directories. All you really need to do is:

cd three.js
npm i
npm run dev

Then just open http://localhost:8080/docs/


Oh, Thank, you, THANK, you, very much!!! How long I searched for this, unfortunately I’m interested in JS in the browser and do not used nodeJS!
Now all works, thank, you, again!