Yay, thanks
TBH, I thought about AO, but for the sake of performance decided not to use it
After your suggestion, now I think that that pass can be added as a switchable one, turned off by default
Simply beatiful!
I remembered the clock I did for my father near 50 years ago… so difficult to maintain showing correct hour.
I had never seen a 3d scene so sharp, clear and precise like this.
I’m wondering: is this the outflow of your pure imagination, or did you have a real-life template to model after?
The reason I’m asking is, that time and again I have been thinking of buying one myself. I’m aware of a Lithuanian company (there are several others as well) which offers both kits for self-assembly, as well as ready-made clocks.
@vielzutun.ch Thanks
It’s just a common idea to show the time by groups of two digits (hh:mm:ss) So I just took it and put the rest of details in the scenef from the top of my head.
Nixie, from “Numerical Indicator eXperimental No.1, in other words, NIX-1”.
The first stable and well-functioning nixie tube construction was invented by Haydu Brothers Laboratories, which was founded by two Hungarian brothers namely George Haydu and Zoltan Haydu in 1936. In 1954 everything, including trademarks, production lines needed for manufacturing (and the inventors themselves) were bought by Burroughs Corp. and that’s when mass production started.