I have a code that worked fine for the entire year. I makes 360 degrees panorama scenes and adds objects to it.
Today when i was coding i noticed that when i look at a certain angle, a black plane show up on the view. A black plane that i didnt put there.
At first i thought it was my code. So i tried to reduce last changes of my code, and the black plane kept there. Then I got an old GIT version and black plane was there. Then i got a old version from one year ago, and the black plane was there.
So I tried to see where on scene was the black object. I removed all objects children from the scene and the camera and left only a green sphere to be rendered…and still…the black plane was there. Here is an image of the black plane over the green sphere. And notice: Only the sphere is present inside the scene on this.
After almost getting crazy on this issue…i opened my code on microsoft edge and surprise!!! No black plane. So i start to think it may be a update on chrome that screwed with my entire code.
How do i configure that?
Wireframe is a material choice. I dont have the object to define the material to be wireframe. Had I the object i would get it deleted.
More information…i discovered the plane is in a position close to 0,0,0
If i move my camera far from the origin i wont see the plane.
I have this as a workaround but not a solution.
No…I removed chrome and reinstalled it. Problem continues.
Tested it on VR and the black plane disapears.
It is good to know it works on vr and it may be a problem with my computer. But it is really curious bug.
will test it on cellphone and on another computer.
Then when you will see black plane. open browser console, tape “scene” and press Enter.
Into scene.children you will see all scene objects and can hide them.
Thats the thing. On my chrome browser when i see the black plane and I open the debug and get the scene.children I noticed there is no black plane there.
I did it by removing all objects unless for the green sphere. Even if i have nothing on scene but a green sphere, this black plane was showing up.
Also curiously on my pc it stay blinking. It must be a bug of my computer and my chrome. On cellphone this bug this dont happen.
I had on my code two renderers…one of them was CSS3DRenderer i use to embed youtube videos. This guy for some reason was causing the problem. It was rendering a black screen over the game. By removing it the black screen disapeared.
Now that i found the problem i can try solve it to make css3drenderer work as it was working before.