Minimum system requirements for Three.js


Is there a minimum system requirements specification for Three.js? We are searching for such a document so that we can use that to supply with our product documentation for customers to add vCPUs or GPU memory accordingly.

Would be very helpful if someone can point me to such a link.


Minimum requirements to run three.js are equivalent to the minimum requirements of the browser your user is going to use. Besides extensions and various capabilities being or not being supported on different devices, WebGL itself doesn’t impose any minimum requirements.

As for quality of the CPUs / GPUs - it depends on the application and optimisations.

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Thank you for your reply.

We have used three js to embed some human body models in our application. Interacting with the model works fine on desktops or laptops where there is a GPU. However, it is extremely slow and consumes 100% CPU in a Citrix environment.

We were wondering if we should quote Amy official guidelines and recommend to our customers that they must have xx memory or certain amount of gpu etc. Was trying to find some recommendations/guidelines to that effect.
Anything that I can refer to that you would know or someone in the community would know?



3js can display a single vertex and requires no noticeable resources to do so. But 3js can also handle a model with millions of vertices. The developers have not built any barriers upwards or downwards into 3JS. The barriers come from what the system (browser and hardware) enables like mjurczyk explained. And how efficiently the developer knows how to use it. Everyone can only do things as well as they understand them and one can’t blame anyone if things become more resource-intensive because one don’t know any better yet.
But that’s what the forum is here for: to support each other :blush:

If you want to display complex models, you unfortunately also need appropriate hardware performance.
On my tablet I’m sometimes close to the limits while my desktop with my XTX-Readon-7900 has no trouble.

hope this will help