Currently I’m making a game which runs best in a Chrome browser. I enjoy using three.js and Chrome because I can implement content quickly. I also enjoy limiting the client side of the project to 1.5 Gb for the browser. This had me thinking though, I’d love to use WebGL 2 in a browser, but would it also be restricted by the resources available to a browser?
Also, are they’re plans to migrate over to Webgl 2 in the future, 1 to 2 years?
What would be the benefits of migrating over?
Currently in my project I can render 2 million faces before I have performs loss. Also I can update the positions of 70,000 vertices every render frame before I have performance loss. These are the two biggest resources bottles necks regarding my project.
This is a machine specific thing, it might has this performance on yours, but not weaker machines or specifically GPU’s. Also you’re missing a lot more details, like the actual scenario, are there LOD techniques, instancing?
I haven’t experienced a limit in storage yet, even though i don’t require those mentioned 1.5 GB yet, i load/unload assets on demand. Another option is to package your game in a webkit based container which doesn’t has such restrictions as chrome has. I honestly wouldn’t want to open a game or app which will start loading 1.5 GB of resources on my machine first.