MeshPhysicalMaterial´s sheen


is sheen somehow not supported in latest “Physical Material” anymore? I remember there were a couple of examples in Threejs its official example´s side back then not to be found anymore…

The actual one has less to none sheen-property options…

The example I found from back then showing diverse sheen´s properties:

What is the state of sheen right now? Threejs its documentation has various sheen params to adjust seems not to affect my current state of PhysicalMaterial at all?

Can you bring a bit of clarity to it?


The sheen implementation is not yet finished. The idea is to make it glTF compliant however the BRDFs are not yet correctly implemented. That is the reason why modulating the sheen property in the above example has no effect.

The sheen properties in the documentation do all exist and I suppose they will not change anymore since we recently agreed on a respective naming convention.

I suggest you keep an eye on the following issue at GitHub which tracks the sheen BRDF implementation:

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“The sheen properties in the documentation do all exist and I suppose they will not change anymore since we recently agreed on a respective naming convention.”

→ So does that mean they exist but are not in use right now? @Mugen87

They can be used but the sheen configuration does not respond correctly on environmental light yet.


then maybe I don´t understand - but, lets say we only have roughness, metallness, diffuse, and normal-maps + no envMap + one directional light + applying sheen @Mugen87 you say, I should be able to see sheen applied?

sheenColor: 0xffffff, sheenRoughness:0.5 → I do not see a single “yellow” shimmering on the model´s surface at all?

If you add a directional light to the example and then change the sheen value with the GUI, you do see an effect: Edit fiddle - JSFiddle - Code Playground

Ah, I see. Ok, so no sheen it is for now as we are using no directional lights