Issue while loading zipped model file

I wanna add feature of loading model in app and for multi file formats like obj, fbx, gltf I wanna accept zip file of these models and extract filed from zip. I am following the way it is done in three js editor codebase and made few changes to make it bit generic for my case. It seems to load models but for some reason images are not being loaded for any material.

code: upload-zip - Replit

models :

The approach using LoadingManager.setURLModifier might be helpful, I’m using it in my own viewer here:

It involves parsing the ZIP first and getting a list of paths to textures and other resources for remapping to Blob URLs. Not sure if that’s different from what the three.js Editor is doing.

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Its same approach, mine too works for gltf but does not works for fbx or obj

See if the code of this loader might help you.

I tried this too, map is being replaced with blob url with this but still texture is not loading ig. there is no error msg also if it has failed or something and blob url also seems to be valid when I checked. Not sure whats the issue.

It seems to be a bug now, I tried replacing map pointer with data url in mtl file even that did’t work. I can also see request in network tab to same data url and image in preview of request properly but it model is black without any texture on it.