Is it possible to use the second uv channel for the normal map?

Hi, i was wondering if it is easily possible to use the second uv channel for the normalmap. We often have a normal map per object that need a tiling/repeat of 1,1 whereas the diffuse texture need a higher repeat.
Does anyone have a solution for this?

short answer is : yes.

But your question has too many variables missing to give a more concrete answer.

Maybe it would be useful to say this too:
It is impossible to use a second UV channel with standard materials without modifying the shaders.


Hi Usnul, thank you for your reply. I was indeed wondering if it would be possible to use a second uv channel without modifying the shader.
But could not find a solution. For me a normalmap would be similar to a lightmap or AO map. It would have been great if it was possible to use the second uv channel for the normalmap.

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