Hi! More a question about API because i’m new to it.
What i wanted: to mix a couple of materials on single surface
Like this demo for example Genuary 2022 - Day 7 - Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing
How i imagined it might work
const PBR1 = PhysicalLightingModel({metalness, roughness,...});
const PBR2 = PhysicalLightingModel({metalness1, roughness1,...});
const color3 = ToonLightingModel({params});
//.. or any other materials, lighting models we have in three.js
material.colorNode = mix(PBR1,PBR2,something);
I saw this node(?) PhysicalLightingModel in sources, but im not sure if it will ever be intended for such a usage? Or can we at least grab parts of it, like say PointLights or DirectionalLighting.
Or is it already possible and i just missed how to use it properly, i’d be grateful for help!
Wasnt able to find PhysicalLightingModel anywhere outside builtin materials.
Im just trying TSL and i love it, and want to switch completely to it, and by using this opportunity i’d like to thank everybody involved in its development!