Hi everyone.
I have an overlay on a video when two chroma key videos are played simultaneously. I use a standard shader for chromakey. Both planes use the same shader. I’m using a-frame but I’m using a component that has a three.js GLSL shader
const chromaKeyShader = {
schema: {
src: {type: ‘map’},
color: {default: {x: 0.1, y: 0.9, z: 0.2}, type: ‘vec3’, is: ‘uniform’},
opacity: {default: 1.0},
transparent: {default: true, is: ‘uniform’},
init(data) {
const videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture(data.src)
videoTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter
this.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
color: {
type: ‘c’,
value: data.color,
myTexture: {
type: ‘t’,
value: videoTexture,
opacity: {
type: ‘f’,
value: data.opacity,
vertexShader: this.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: this.fragmentShader,
this.material.opacity = data.opacity
update(data) {
this.material.color = data.color
this.material.src = data.src
this.material.transparent = data.transparent
this.material.opacity = data.opacity
this.material.uniforms.opacity.value = data.opacity
this.material.uniformsNeedUpdate = true
vertexShader: [
‘varying vec2 vUv;’,
‘void main(void)’,
‘vUv = uv;’,
‘vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );’,
‘gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;’,
fragmentShader: [
‘uniform sampler2D myTexture;’,
‘uniform vec3 color;’,
‘uniform float opacity;’,
‘varying vec2 vUv;’,
‘void main(void)’,
‘vec3 tColor = texture2D( myTexture, vUv ).rgb;’,
‘float a = (length(tColor - color) - 0.5) * 7.0;’,
‘gl_FragColor = vec4(tColor, a * opacity);’,
export {chromaKeyShader}