I created a simple threejs editor

I used the time over christmas to create my own 3d editor: Vite + React + TS

features are:
-add primitives
-add text (2d, 3d)
-add media (images and video)
-import models (fbx, obj, glb)
-add material (drag drop on objects)
-export scene and import scene

What should I add next?


waauw so cool, for students in school also.

but so can you know how the .json can be used to make a  ZIM | Teleport  or  ZIM with three.js  files ? so we can walk around in 3DandVRglasses… that would be a cool feature

ZIM can also add video (textureActive) panel made with code : onto a glb file
example ZAPP: Alians film van sterrenwacht Cozmix.be Brugge (draai/swipe de VR-bril) | ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework (click onto QR or FULL button)
and ZAPP: VRbril 360graden @ Itec + Fti.vlaanderen | ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework with a panorama image and under a button to go into VR
when VRglasses are on


Excellent work!

I downloaded the json file, but could not use it in Three.js pages.

I would be happy if You bring the way to make this possible.

Hi @CHOIX I am really liking your threejs editor and its simplicity but when I add glbs or fbx etc to it and save as JSON, it does not save the glbs only primitives or images. How can I get this to work.? Many thanks

Is this an open-source sir?

I have multiples of texture files for my model. How do I apply it?