I want to render the outline of a cube, which includes the ‘front-facing’ edges. I don’t want to be able to see through the mesh, so a wireframe or edgesGeometry wouldn’t fit in this scenario (see demo codepen - https://codepen.io/danlong/pen/KbEVKp?editors=1010)
If a cube is touching another, I don’t want to render it’s touching edges but still want to be able to control the cube individually so I don’t want to merge the geometry. Two screenshots attached show the two scene states that I want to be able to replicate.
Is this possible and could anyone give me some resources/techniques/advice on achieving this?
Hey there! im a newbie in this field and i was wondering if there is a way to render only the borders. in other words i want the pure black to be fully transparent and only the borders to be visible. Thanks in advance
@prisoner849 is there a way to use your shader with triangles? (all polygons of a BufferGeometry with edges, like there were a WireframeGeometry, but only with a custom shader)