I would appreciate some directions into the threejs documentation that help me understand how to modify a standard mesh object by changing the vertices and related items (e.g. normals).
Here’s my simple goal:
Let’s say I have a PlaneBufferGeometry(w, h, wSegs, hSegs) object where the width and height (w, h) and number of segments are not small numbers. Further, say the plane lies in the x-y coordinate plane and I want to modify the surface z(x,y) to simulate, for example, wave action.
From limited experience in another context, I recall the need to access the vertices and perhaps recalculate the associated normals. I’m having a problem finding examples or documentation on this in books or online about threejs. Here’s a link to this topic in a C++ environment: https://openframeworks.cc/documentation/3d/ofMesh/
Thanks for any pointers from the Threejs community.
A more complex modification of a geometry. The BufferGeometry is described as a script
src=“geo.js” !-- defines a indexed BufferGeometry geo –
and can be exchanged.