Hi there, very new dev to threejs! I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction to create a bubble similar to the reference image. I’m not really sure where to start
Thank you in advance!
Hi there, very new dev to threejs! I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction to create a bubble similar to the reference image. I’m not really sure where to start
Thank you in advance!
If you just need it static, you could use the sculpting tool in blender to sculpt a sphere into that form, and export it as a GLB file, and then load it in threejs for viewing.
To get something that truly looks like your reference and/or is animated, will be quite a bit more complex, and there are many approaches ranging from using custom vertex shaders for the animation, and custom material shaders…
Or perhaps using a customized version of this marching cubes demo:
Take a look at these items from the collection.
2022 eXtended eXamples => BubbleGum
2023 eXtended eXamples => LavaLamp
2024 discourse.threejs.hofk.de => BoxesOnNoisySphere