How to animate a TubeGeometry?

I managed to setup a TubeGeometry with a curved path so far - my next step is to animate it…
My question is - how can I make the TubeGeometry animate over the given path. Meaning, by now the TubeGeometry covers the whole path:

for( var j = -300; j < 300; j++ ) {
line.push( new THREE.Vector3( j, 1 * Math.sin( .1 *  j ) * Math.cos( .2 * j ), Math.cos( .2 *  j )   ) );
ribbonBase = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3( line );

var tgeometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(ribbonBase, 600, 0.035, 8, false );
var tmaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );
var tmesh = new THREE.Mesh( tgeometry, tmaterial );


How can I make the TubeGeometry follow the path, if that makes sense?

An interesting article: