How I can create a full FPS game?

Please Guide me I search everywhere on this threejs forum but I did not get any full fps game development guide
Please Suggest me…

  1. Youtube tutorial where end-to-end FPS Dev. is explained!
  2. Free Book, Material or web page demonstrate end-to-end fps game development
  3. any other free resource
    Please Guide Me!!!
    I really want to create a FPS game!!!
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The Pointer Lock Controls example may also be useful.

I like the start screen for that program better. And it might help if you want to use keyboard controls to rotate (I don’t).

Thank You,
but now a question arises is that how I can insert my customize blender model in the scene or more specific in the game…
and the next step is controlling the health of the player and adding some enemy ai… stuff so please guide me how I can do it???

Thank you for your guidance
How I improve my game more…
I have a city model that I created in blender so how I add it in my game…
can you suggest me youtube tutorial where all things are explained straight forward… please guide sir!!!

Three.js is like a javascript toolkit. You can load blender models, including enemy characters and you can animate them. But you will have to create the basic javascript program yourself, including things like enemy ai. And, in fact, that is how things should be if you plan to create something unique that is worth playing and not just a copy of what someone else has done.

I think you are looking in the right place. I have found that YouTube has a lot of useful tutorials discussing how to create simple games using javascript, blender and three.js. One resource that I have found useful is SimonDev. He has a few tutorials showing how to create a flying game. If you want something ground-based, you might check out Bláha. He created a three.js driving/flying simulation and posted the entire source code. It is several years old - but is so entertaining that several people are currently trying to update and improve on it. You can find discussions about this simulation on this site. Here is another example on this site.

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You can start using the Threeverse repo to create complex threejs games.

See other threeverse

  1. Open world
  2. Real Estate
  3. Racing Game
  4. Game City

There are all running using the Threeverse repo

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Thank You this is very helpful for me…
Now I explore all these resources…
thank you once again…!