How can I create a hole in a geometry with text?

how can I create a hole in a geometry with text?

For example, if I have a box and the text hello, how can I create a hole in the box with that text?


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Here is one example of using text to hollow out the inside of a cylinder wall.
Example : Engraving - Three.js Tutorials


And here is a simpler example of “hello” in a box
Example : Threejs Boilerplate - JSFiddle - Code Playground

thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

do you know if you can do something similar with shapes and holes? using the text as a hole in the shape.

If you generate the text outlines yourself, you can do it like in this example:
Shapes - author @Mugen87
(From the Collection of examples from .)

Thanks, finally I did it

I created a geometry with the text and I extracted the shapes array from it.
I mixed that with an extruded shape.