Aside from the above example its hard. You can try joining many hole maker objects as one then perform the boolean.
Or you can do walking vertice face building. There are many many algorithms for mesh face filling. See Blender for example of feature functions.
What youll get are multitude of long tris and these lead to visual problems on the renderer
Also if you dont need to change the geometry but just the look of it, you can simply build a masking shader instead with transparency and double sided render
Thank you for your reply!
I saw the CSG library while searching for a solution to the current problem.
However, it is not suitable for the following reasons:
It is very difficult to use it in the business logic of the application. Since you will have to deal with additional generation and combining of several objects on the stage.
I want to get a result in which the user creates holes in an object, specifying only its location, radius and depth (without additional gestures). Therefore, you cannot delegate the process to the user.
However, if you want to insert cylinders into the holes, as with a borehole, it will be a bit more complicated.
It is then similar to the inner geometry. Inner Geometry (Triangulation)