Help getting the actual position of a vertices in a buffer geometry!

My code is simplish, just takes the position and feeds it through some noise to create a releastic looking terrain, except

  const vertex = new Vector3();
  vertex.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i);

doesn’t return the vertices position in the world which is a pain, it seems to return the local position, sorry I am very new, the full code is below. You can see i am using a odd system to try get around this which works until I try and place trees at the same real world position and its the wrong height.

export function generateTerrainChunk(seed, Position, gain, divisor) {
    //------------[MAIN FUNCTION VARIABLES]------------\\
    //const simplex = new SimplexNoise(seed);
    let geometry = new PlaneBufferGeometry(500, 500, 30, 30);
    let colours = [];
    const fbm = new FBM({
        seed: seed,
        scale: 0.007,
        octaves: 6,
        persistance: 0.5,
        lacunarity: 2,
        redistribution: 2,
        height: 40,

    const simplex = new Perlin(seed)

    //------------[Create Material]------------\\
    var material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
        vertexColors: colours,
        reflectivity: 0,
        flatShading: true,
        blending: false

    //------------[Create Mesh]------------\\
    var plane2 = new Mesh(geometry, material);
    plane2.receiveShadow = true;
    plane2.castShadow = true;
    plane2.position.set(Position.x, -3, Position.y);
    plane2.rotateX(Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI);

    const positionAttribute = geometry.getAttribute("position");
    //------------[Edit the Geomtry Accordingly]------------\\
    for (var i = 0, l = geometry.attributes.position.array.length / 3; i < l; i++) {
        // Get Data position
        const vertex = new Vector3();
        vertex.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i);


        // Check Height from Perlin Noise Generator

        let location = new Vector2(
            (vertex.x + (Position.x)) * divisor, 
            (vertex.y - (Position.y)) * divisor

        let height = fbm.get2(location) * gain * 4
        // Set the height accordingly


        if (location.x >= 25 && location.y >= 25) {
            height = 500

        geometry.attributes.position.array[i * 3 + 2] = height;

        // Update Vertice colours accordinly
        if (height > 100) {
            colours.push(1, 1, 1);
        } else if (height > 50) {
            colours.push(0.56, 0.54, 0.48);
        } else if (height < 2) {
            let heightSecondary = simplex.get2(new Vector2((vertex.x + (Position.x)) * divisor, (vertex.y - (Position.y)) * divisor)) * 0.75
            geometry.attributes.position.array[i * 3 + 2] = heightSecondary;
            colours.push(0, randomIntFromInterval(400, 500) / 1000, randomIntFromInterval(700, 800) / 1000)
        } else {
            colours.push(0.56, 0.68, 0.166);

    //------------[Edit colour attribute]------------\\
        new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(colours), 3)

    //------------[Add to Base Scene]------------\\
    currentTerrain = plane2; = `Terrain_Chunk_${Position.x}:${Position.y}`;
    return plane2;

Many Thanks,


Right after these lines, try to add plane2.updateMatrixWorld();

Thanks so much been starring and my screen ready to punch my desk for hours!!!

P.S. It works!

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@LeThAL_LAD You’re welcome :beers:

You can create tiled noise surfaces, using uv and size of tile.
An option, just from the scratch:

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Again a nice example. :+1:

The example is also interesting because of the quads. :green_square: :large_blue_diamond: :white_medium_small_square: :black_square_button:

Other applications with quads are in the Collection of examples from



With my Addon. Produces almost infinite many time-varying geometries with functions you can create similar quads as lines.

THREEf geometries

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