Handmade kinematic robot arm simulation I made a while ago...


LMB / RMB click on the joints to actuate them.


Well done !
I like the environment - very “atmospheric”.

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I got stuck. Nothing works with left or right anymore.

He should still be able to go?

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Calculating self intersections in inverse kinematics…

You can get a really great visual understanding of this with the demos by @gkjohnson here… GitHub - gkjohnson/closed-chain-ik-js: A generalized inverse kinematics solver that supports closed chains for parallel kinematics systems, dynamic reconfiguration, and arbitrary joint configuration based on damped least squares error minimization techniques

@manthrax that’s a beautiful demo :ok_hand:

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:sob: … probably because my “inverse kinematics” are a giant hack of spheres placed along the “bones”, and brute force collided each frame.
There should be some joint you Can move that will unstick it…

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thank yooouuuu!!!

…on the plus side the “simulation” runs in linear time with no substepping or integration.

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Debug view showing the joints and collision spheres:

In the non-debug mode:

You can also use the number keys to save/load different poses, and it will try to tween between them.

Shift+1 saves the current pose to the 1 key…

1 by itself tries to move the robot to that saved pose

1 - 9


Memory works fine, now it looks like a sketch for a promising game.
Unfortunately there is nothing around to catch and throw :slight_smile:

And my hands are looking for a PS4 controller …

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Just made the repo public if anyone wants to mess with it:


If you come across this article, you may also be interested in RobotSimulation

Some time ago, I also experimented with this, without going any deeper.

All from the collection Collection of examples from discourse.threejs.org


verry nice… i dig the skinned one.

But it only works when moving in the xy plane. That was all I could achieve at the time.

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