I use https://github.com/facebookincubator/FBX2glTF to convert fbx file to gltf, which I learn from post [resolved]About the multi-animation model,
My fbx contains three animation, when the converted glft file was loaded, the animations.length is equals 3,
but when I play the one , the error occurs:
THREE.PropertyBinding: Trying to update property for track: Obj_JN0_1.scale but it wasn't found. {scene: Scene, scenes: Array(1), cameras: Array(0), animations: Array(3), asset: {…}, …}animations: Array(3)0: AnimationClip {name: "press", tracks: Array(14), duration: 0.6666666865348816, uuid: "4CBF394D-F39C-47C5-B5C1-AB6AE7BEC011"}1: AnimationClip {name: "jump", tracks: Array(24), duration: 0.5, uuid: "C2D0A338-19B4-4693-ACB7-4D333AE022FD"}2: AnimationClip {name: "down", tracks: Array(24), duration: 0.8333333134651184, uuid: "2545F035-701A-41EA-9F49-878377F43690"}length: 3__proto__: Array(0)asset: {generator: "FBX2glTF", version: "2.0"}cameras: []mixer: AnimationMixerstats: {actions: {…}, bindings: {…}, controlInterpolants: {…}}time: 238.95787500000048timeScale: 1_accuIndex: 0_actions: [AnimationAction]_actionsByClip: {4CBF394D-F39C-47C5-B5C1-AB6AE7BEC011: {…}}4CBF394D-F39C-47C5-B5C1-AB6AE7BEC011: {knownActions: Array(1), actionByRoot: {…}}__proto__: Object_bindings: (14) [PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer, PropertyMixer]0: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}1: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}2: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}3: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}4: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}5: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}6: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}7: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}8: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}9: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}10: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}11: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}12: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}13: PropertyMixer {binding: PropertyBinding, valueSize: 3, buffer: Float64Array(12), _mixBufferRegion: ƒ, cumulativeWeight: 0, …}length: 14__proto__: Array(0)_bindingsByRootAndName: {undefined: {…}}_controlInterpolants: []_nActiveActions: 1_nActiveBindings: 14_nActiveControlInterpolants: 0_root: {scene: Scene, scenes: Array(1), cameras: Array(0), animations: Array(3), asset: {…}, …}animations: (3) [AnimationClip, AnimationClip, AnimationClip]asset: {generator: "FBX2glTF", version: "2.0"}cameras: []mixer: AnimationMixer {_root: {…}, _actions: Array(1), _nActiveActions: 1, _actionsByClip: {…}, _bindings: Array(14), …}scene: Scene {uuid: "65485803-0B3D-4087-B9E2-A7F6842A592B", name: "Root Scene", type: "Scene", parent: Scene, children: Array(1), …}scenes: [Scene]__proto__: Object__proto__: EventDispatcherscene: Scene {uuid: "65485803-0B3D-4087-B9E2-A7F6842A592B", name: "Root Scene", type: "Scene", parent: Scene, children: Array(1), …}scenes: [Scene]__proto__: Object
bind @ three.js:39708
getValue_unbound @ three.js:39569
saveOriginalState @ three.js:39061
_activateAction @ three.js:41009
play @ three.js:40304
(anonymous) @ webgl_loader_gltf.html:117
(anonymous) @ GLTFLoader.js:176
(anonymous) @ GLTFLoader.js:1435
Promise resolved (async)
THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.parse @ GLTFLoader.js:1427
parse @ GLTFLoader.js:166
(anonymous) @ GLTFLoader.js:38
(anonymous) @ three.js:30754
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
load @ three.js:30834
load @ GLTFLoader.js:34
init @ webgl_loader_gltf.html:89
(anonymous) @ webgl_loader_gltf.html:55
I don’t know whether @calrk encounter the same issue
So what’s the approach you guys use multiple animations ?