Update animations of gltf model

I have a model loaded with multiple animations

    (fido) =>
        fido.scene.scale.set(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
        fido.scene.position.set(1, -0.5, -0.9)
        animations = fido.animations
       // Animation
        mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(fido.scene)
        action = mixer.clipAction(fido.animations[activeAction])
         move1Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.001|shuffle-jumpandwave-f")
         move2Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.002|taunt-dumbbell-dance")
         move3Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.003|happy-time-m4-392441")
         move4Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.004|opening-move-01_68496")
         move5Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.005|groove-02_68517")
         move6Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.006|boomboom_dance")
         move7Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.007|boombayah_dance")
         move8Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature.008|dance-graceful_250999")
         move9Action = fido.animations.find((clip) => clip.name === "Armature|groove-02_68495")
        actions = [ 
            move1Action ,
            move2Action ,
            move3Action ,
            move4Action ,
            move5Action ,
            move6Action ,


and a button with showoff() function which I’m trying to make the animation change at random every time it’s clicked

function showOff() {
let randomAction = actions[
(Math.floor(Math.random() * actions.length))
activeAction = randomAction

When clicked the variable activeAction changes but the animation doesn’t update

I do have this in my animation function


Not sure if I have the right approach but I can’t think of any other way

Make sure you’re passing a valid delta to the update function. If it’s still not working - could you reproduce the issue on codepen?

Here’s an example of simple working animation (lines 35-60; it’s FBX, but they work the same as GLTF.)

Thank you mjurczyk! I’ve solved the issue. I didn’t know you have to reset the animation and play it. I’ve used this function that I later call in the showoff() function:

function fadeToAction( name, duration ) {

const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1

    previousAction = activeAction
    activeAction = mixer.clipAction(animations[randomNumber]) 

    if ( previousAction !== activeAction ) {

        previousAction.fadeOut( duration )

        .setEffectiveTimeScale( 1 )
        .setEffectiveWeight( 1 )
        .fadeIn( duration )
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